


Dear Fifth Grade Families,

Throughout the year, your child will have occasion to access online resources that either accompany or supplement in-class instruction. In some instances, like math, your child can view an electronic version of the textbook or print out math homework. In other cases, such as vocabulary or grammar, textbook lessons offer online games and activities that reinforce what your child is learning in school or help prepare him/her for tests and quizzes. In still other cases, such as science or social studies, a unique online resource of flashcard-based study tools helps your child learn new content-based vocabulary. While this is a wonderful array of resources, each one requires its own log in!

This handout is a compilation of all the online resources we use to date, and it includes directions for how to log onto the web sites students will use and create passwords for each resource. Your child has already been provided with a username and password for two online math resources which are included with this handout.

We encourage you to keep this information in a safe place at home so you and your child know how to access this valuable array of resources. Please let us know how we can support you in encouraging your child to use these resources.

The Fifth Grade Team,
Mrs. Lee Mr. Norman
Mrs. Jaffe Mr. Lisano


enVisionMATH Textbook
An electronic version of our math textbook can be accessed from the web site A personalized letter accompanying this handout provides login information, including a username and password that has been assigned to your child. An additional handout guides you through accessing printable resources, such as nightly homework, and multimedia resources, such as videos.

Reflex math is a math fact system that helps students build fluency
in their knowledge of multiplication facts. It can be accessed at Regular practice to increase fluency
removes barriers to higher-level problem solving. A personalized letter accompanying this handout provides login information, including a username and password that has been assigned to your child. Reflex practice can sometimes be assigned to an entire class or to individual students, on an as-needed basis.


Vocabulary Workshop
Vocabulary development occurs with regular independent and school-based reading and is reinforced through our vocabulary text, Vocabulary Workshop. Online games and activities for each vocabulary unit make learning new words more enjoyable.
To access this resource go to www.vocabularyworkshopcom. Then, follow these steps:
  1. In the Elementary School Color Levels box, choose the ©2011-2013 version.
  2. Choose the appropriate level (either “blue” or “orange,” your child will know).
  3. Choose the user “student.”
  4. Then click “Go to.”
  5. You will get a Student Login “pop-up” inviting you to sign up your child.
  6. The next screen asks you to input the Student Access Code for the text. The access code is: VWL11S9FBQT4.
  7. You will also be prompted to provide your name and email address and to create a password for your child.
  8. RECORD YOUR PASSWORD HERE: ______________________ so you do not forget it!
  9. Once you identify an email address and create a password, you will be advised to return to the homepage and log in from there. Each time you log in, you will be asked to select the text version, color, and user.
  10. Once logged in, your child can select the unit we are working on
and any number of games (such as Flash Cards, Hangman, Concentration, Crosswords, and more) to practice the vocabulary for that unit.

Regular in-class writing is supplemented by grammar lessons from the text, Grammar Workshop. This text’s publisher is the same as Vocabulary Workshop, and, therefore, the log in procedures are similar.
To access this resource, go to Then, follow these steps:
  1. Choose the ©2013 version.
  2. Choose the “blue” level.
  3. Choose the user “student.”
  4. Then, click “Go to.”
  5. You will get a Student Login “pop-up” inviting you to sign up your child.
  6. The next screen asks you to input the Student Access Code for the text. The access code is: GW13SGBK8WPY.
  7. You will also be prompted to provide your name and email address and to create a password for your child.
  8. RECORD YOUR PASSWORD HERE: ______________________ so you do not forget it!
  9. Once you identify an email address and create a password, you will be advised to return to the homepage and log in from there. Each time you log in, you will be asked to select the text version, color, and user.
  10. Once logged in, your child can practice grammar skills playing a variety of games (such as Matching, Matching and Concentration, Drag ‘n Drop Sorting, and more) that have been especially designed for each lesson.


The fifth grade teachers have created a Web-based study tool through the educational web site, Quizlet offers a variety of ways your child can use flashcards to study vocabulary words and concepts. The flashcards include definitions and photographs that reinforce students’ understanding. In addition to studying the word meanings, the flashcards can be manipulated to play games (“Scatter” and “Space Race” are fun!) and take practice tests. (In the “Study” mode, “Learn” and “Test” are the best options.) Quizlet flashcard sets are created by all fifth grade teachers and are useful for studying or reinforcing understanding of science, social studies, and math concepts.
To access this resource, go to Then, follow these steps:

  1. Once on the site, click on “Sign up with email.”
  2. On the next page, provide a username, email address, and password to sign up for a free quizlet account.
  3. Make sure you enter your own date of birth (not your child’s), because, technically, you have to be 13 years old to use Quizlet.
  4. Once on the next page, ignore the plea to pay a fee, and click on “Or continue to free Quizlet” at the bottom.
  5. On the left side of the next page, click on “Join or create a class.”
  6. Then, at the top of the page, type into the “Join or create a class” field: BPSMAFOXHILL. This is our group name and is only accessible to those with this password. Always use this class login name when accessing our group.
  7. Finally, click the green “Join class” button.
  8. This will bring you to the page of flashcards available to your child.
  9. Once you have joined our “class” or group, you will get an email confirmation which then enables you to activate your account and receive notification when new flashcards are created.
Please note: Quizlet is a useful resource for your child, but YOU should control and supervise its use. Teachers from all grade levels (including high school) post flashcards on this Web site, not all of which make appropriate viewing for fifth graders.


Mr. Lisano - Room 11
ph: 781-238-5676

Mr. Norman - Room 12
ph: 781-238-5661

Mrs. Lee - Room 13
ph: 781-238-5688

Mrs. Jaffe - Room 14
ph: 781-238-5684

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