
New Word of The Day

amo, amatum- love

1. amateur- (Fr. amator-lover) lover; one who enjoys an activity without doing it professionally
2. amiable- kindly, lovable, good-natured
3. amicable- friendly, peaceable, cordial
4. enamoured- (in-in) charmed, captivated, in love
5. amity- friendship
6. enmity- (in-not + amity) ill will; hostility
7. enemy- hostile, unfriendly person

sauros- lizard

1. dinosaur- (deinos- terrible) terrible lizard
2. tyrannosaurus- (tyrannos- absolute ruler) tyrant lizard
3. allosaurus- (allos- leap) leaping lizard
4. stegosaurus- (stego- roof) lizard with a shell on its back
5. brontosaurus- (brontos- thunder) thunder lizard
6. ankylosaurus- ( ankylos- crooked, bent) lizard with bony plates sticking up from its neck

discipulus- student

1. disciple- a student
2. discipline- teaching; instruction, field of learning (the discipline of social studies)
3. disciplinary- pertaining to correction, ordered control or teaching
4. disciplinarian- one who enforces order

scio, scitum- know

1. science- knowledge which results from study
2. scientific- kind of knowledge gained from careful; study
3. conscience- (con- with, together) knowledge of right and wrong
4. prescience- (prae- before) foreknowledge
5. conscious- sharing knowledge; mentally active or awake
6. omniscience- (omnis- all) all knowing

liber, libri- book

1. library- place where books are kept
2. librarian- one in charge of a library
3. libretto- (Italian- booklet) words to which opera music has been written
4. librettist- one who writes a libretto
5. libel- written accusation
biblos- book

1. Bible- The Book of the Christian religion
2. bibliography- (graph- write) list of books on a particular subject
3. biblioclast- (klastos- broken) one who destroys books
4. biblioklept- (klepto- steal) one who steals books
5. bibliology-(logos- word, study) study of books
6. bibliomania- (mania- madness) craziness about books
7. bibliophile- (philia- love) lover of books
8. bibliophobia- (phobos- fear) fear or dislike of books
9. bibliothetic- (thetos- placed) pertaining to the placement or arrangement of books

dico, dictum - speak, say
1. dictate- speak, command

2. diction- art or manner of speaking
3. dictation- speaking so another may write down the words
4. dictator- one whose word has absolute authority
5. predict- (pre- before) to sat beforehand what will happen
6. benediction- (bene- well) well-spoken words; a blessing
7. contradict- (contra- against) speak against
8. verdict- (verus- true, real) a true saying

scribo, scriptum- write

1. scriptures- sacred writings (Bible, Torah)
2. inscription- (in- in) writing in a book or in stone
3. describe-( de- down) write down
4. proscription-(pro- for) written list of names put up for all to see
5. prescription- (pre- before) something written ahead (doctor's direction to pharmacist) 
6. scribe- one who knows how to write
7. transcribe- (trans- across) transfer speech into writing
8. manuscript- (manus- hand) written by hand
9. script- writing (e.g., the words of a play)

facio, factum- do, make

1. factory- (orium- place for) place for making things
2. manufacture- (manus- hand) make by hand
3. efface- (ex- out, away) do away with
4. deface- (de- down) to "do down", mar. destroy
5. perfect- (per- through) done all the way through
6. magnify- (magna- large) to make large
7. satisfy- (satis- enough) to make enough

verto, versum- turn

1. reverse- (re- back, again) turn back
2. advertise- (ad- to, toward) turn people toward a product
3. universe- (unus- one) stars all turning as one wheel or cosmos
4. university- set of colleges revolving around a central administration
5. controversial- (contra- against) two sides turned against each other
6. conversation- (con- with, together) taking turns in talking together
7. diversity- (dis- separate) turning to separate ways; unlikeness 

zoon - animal

1. zoo- a zoological park or collection of animals
2. zoology- (logos- word, study) study of animals
3. protozoon- (protos- first) earliest form of one-celled animal life on earth 
4. cenozoic- (kainos- recent) recent animal period (WE live in this age)
5. mesozoic- (meso- middle) middle animal period
6. paleozoic- (paleo- early, archaic) early animal period (many fossils)
7. proterozoic- (protero- earlier) earlier animal period (few fossils, worms)
8. archeozoic- (arche- beginning) beginning animal period (carbon traces but no fossils)

curro, cursum = run

1. current- ongoing
2. curriculum- study that runs over a period of time
3. occur- (ob- against) run against, happen
4. recur- (re- again) run into again
5. incursion- (in- in, into) a running into; an invasion or attack
6. excursion- (ex- out of) running out; a trip
7. cursive- writing that runs on without lifting pen or pencil
8. cursor- small moving (running) indicator on a computer screen

thermos - heat

1. thermal- relating to heat
2. thermos bottle- insulated bottle which keeps the contents hot or cold
3. thermometer- (metron- measure) device for measuring heat
4. thermotropic- (tropos- turn) turning toward heat
5. thermogenic- (genos- origin) causing or originating (generating) heat
6. thermoplastic- (plastos- shape, mold) can be molded or formed when heated

autos- self
1. autograph- (graph- write) writing the name of oneself

2. automobile-(mobilis- movable) self moving
3. autobiography (bios- life) life story written by oneself
4. autocrat- (kratos- power, strength) power in one person
5. autonomy- (monos-law) being a law to oneself (having independence)
6. automatic- (matos- think) a machine that seems to think for itself; self-acting; self-regulating

pathos- feeling, suffering

1. pathos- dramatic device to cause pity, sympathy or sorrow
2. pathetic- marked by suffering or sorrow
3. pathology- (logos- word, study) study of suffering or disease
4. pathometer- (metron- measure) measures feeling; a lie detector
5. apathy- (a- not) not feeling; lack of feeling
6. antipathy- (anti- against) feeling against
7. sympathy- (syn- together) to feel what another feels
8. telepathy- (tele- far away, distant) knowing how someone far away feels

urbs, urbis- city

1. urban- pertaining to the city
2. suburb- (sub- under, below, near) outlying part of a city; smaller town near a city
3. suburbanite- one who lives in a suburb
4. interurban- (inter- between) between cities
5. urbane- polite; having city manners
6. urbanity- civility; courtesy, politeness
7. urbanites- those who live in a city
polis - city, government

1. metropolis- (meter- mother) "mother city" main city with smaller suburbs around it
2. political- concerning management of a city
3. police- those who keep order in the city
4. polite- having city (civilized) manners
5. policy- couse of action adopted in the management of a city
6. politics- the art and science of government
populous- people
1. people- a collection of persons
2. public- general body of people in a community
3. republic-( res- thing) public thing or entity
4. publish- make known to people in general
5. populace- the common people
6. popular- pleasing to people in general
7. population- whole number of people in an area
8. pueblo- (Spanish) people of a village or town

demos = the people, the citizens
1. democracy- (kratos- power) power coming from the people
2. demotic- pertaining to the people; popular
3. demography- (graph- write, draw) charts of information about the people- where they live, etc.
4. demophile- (philia- love) friend of the people
5. demophobe- (phobos- fear) oe who fears the people
6. epidemic- (epi- upon) a plague upon the people; disease spread among the citizens

frater, fratris = brother
1. fraternal- brotherly
2. fraternity- Brotherly association of men
3. fraternize- associate together on friendly or brotherly terms
4. friar- member of a mens's religious order (called "Brother")

mater, matris = mother
1. matriarch- (archos [Gr.]- chief) a woman who rules the family
2. maternal- motherly
3. matrix- the ground from which some thing or idea springs
4. matriculate- have one's name entered on the list of students of a school or college
5. alma mater- (alma- nourishing, kind) The school from which one graduates

pater, patris = father
1. patriarch- (archos [Gr.]- chief) chief father of a family or of a society
2. patriotism- love for the fatherland
3. patrician- nobly born person; descendant of the founding fathers of Rome
4. patrimony- (monia- condition) condition or estate inherited from one's fathers
5. patron- one who acts like  father towards another
6. patronymic- (onyma- [Gr.]- name) a father's name adapted and given to his children
magnus = great, large, big
1. magnify- (facio, factum- make, do) make larger
2. magnifier- that which makes greater
3. magnitude- (-tudo- ness) greatness
4. magnate- person of great rank or influence
5. magnificent- great in deed or character; lavish
6. magnanimous- (animus- mind, spirit) great in mind; above waht is low, mean or ungenerous; noble in soul
megas = great, large, big
1. megaphone- (phone- sound) device for making a sound larger (louder)
2. megalith- (lithos- rock) huge rock
3. megalomania- (mania- craze) crazy person with delusions of grandeur or greatness
4. megalophonous- having a big or loud sound or voice
5. mega- in the metric system, a million times: 
               megameter- a million meters
               megatons- a million tons
mikros= small

1. microphone- (phone- sound) device for transmitting a small sound over a distance
2. microbe- (bios- life) tiny form of life
3. microcosm- (cosmos- world) a tiny world
4. microfilm- (filmen- thin skin) tiny film for storing books, records, etc.
5. micrometer- (metron-measure) instrument for measuring small things
6. micron- unit of length 1/1000 of a millimeter
7. microscope- (skopeo- look at) instrument for looking at tiny things
8. microwave- (wafian- wave) tiny electromagnetic wave between 1 and 100 centimeters long

vivo, victum = live
1. vivid- lively, animated, spirited
2. revive- ( re- back, again) come back to life
3. survive-( sur, super- over) to live over or beyond a threat of death
4. vivacity- liveliness, vigor
5. convivial- (con- with, together) relating to feasting together
6. viand- food to support life
7. victual- (pronounced vit'l) food to support life
bios = life
1. biology- (logos- word, study) study of life
2. biography- (graph- write, draw) written life story
3. autobiography- (autos- self) written life story of one's self
4. microbe- (micro- small) tiny form of life
5. amphibian- (amphi- both) creature who can live both on land and in water
6. bionic- life-like
7. biotic- pertaining to life
8. antibiotic- (anti- against) against living forms which invade the body
ars, artis - art, skill

1. art- display or application of skill
2. artist- one who acts or creates with skill
3. artistic- pertaining to a skillful creation
4. artless- without skill, natural, simple and sincere
5. artful- full of, or characterized by skill
6. artificial- (facio, factum- make) made by man; not occurring naturally
7. artillery- (artiller [Fr.]- equip) equipment for wat
8. inert- (in- not) not skilled, inactive, sluggish
9. inertia- state of inactivity; motion which continues unless altered by an external force
techne- art, skill
1. technology- (logos- word, study) study of how to do things
2. technical- pertaining to the art or skill involved in all kinds of work, science, sport, business, profession, mechanical arts
3. technique- expert skill in accomplishing something
4. technician- one who is skilled in details of an art or subject
5. architect- (archi- chief, master) a master builder
6. architecture- art or science of building

inter - between, among, amid
1. international- (natio- nation, race, kindred) between or among nations
2. interject- (jacio, jactum) throw- throw between
3. interaction- (ago, actum- act, perform) discussion or action between or among people
4. intervene- (venio, ventum- come) come between
5. intergalactic- ( galactos- milk) between stars in the Milky Way
6. interlude- (ludus- play) light entertainment in the midst of serious activities; a "break"
para = beside, along
1. parable- (ballein- to throw) to throw a story in for comparison while teaching a lesson or moral
2. parachute- (cadere- to fall) goes along with you as you fall and slows you down
3. parenthesis- (thesis- put, place, position) a statement places beside (or within) the main sentence
4. paragraph- (graph- write or draw) an editing mark beside a page of print to show needed indentation
5. parallel- (allos- other) lying alongside of another line, but not meeting
chronos = time
1. synchronize- (syn- together, same) do at the same time
2. chronometer- (metron- measure) device to measure time
3. chronology- (logos- word, study) relate events in time sequence
4. chronic- over a period of time; "from time to time"
5. chronograph- (graph- write, draw) device to measure and record time
6. chronicle- record of events in time
arbor, arboris = tree
1. arboretum- public garden where trees are cultivated and exhibited
2. Arbor Day- day designated for planting trees- usually in Spring
3. grape arbor- grape vines trained to climb a trellis or open-roof framework
4. arboraceous- full of trees, wooded
5. arboriculture- (cultura- tending) cultivation of trees and shrubs
6. arborvitae- (vita- life) "tree of life", an evergreen tree of the cypress family bearing cones (conifer)
dendron = tree
1. rhododendron- (rhodos- rose, red) evergreen shrub with large flowers
2.  lepidodendron- (lepidos- scale) extinct prehistoric tree with scaly bark
3. dendrophile- (philis- love) lover of trees
4. dendrometer- (metron- measure) instrument for measuring the height and diameter of trees
5. dendrolite- (lithos- stone) petrified fossil or stone
6. dendriform- (forma- shape, form)having the shape of a tree
stella = star
1. stellar- pertaining to a star or stars
2. constellation- (cum- together) group of stars
3. interstellar- (inter- between) between the stars
4. stellate- star-shaped
5. stellascope- (skopeo Gr.- look at) instrument for looking at stars; astronomical telescope
6. stellerid- a star fish
7. stellify- (facio, factum- make) transform a person or thing into a star or constellation
8. Stella- girl's name meaning star
9. Estellita- girl's name meaning "Little Star"
astron = star

1. aster- star-shaped flower
2. astronomer- (onoma- name) one who names the stars
3. asteroid- (eidos- form) in the form of a star
4. astrologer- (logos- study, knowledge) one who gets knowledge from the stars
5. astronaut- (nauta- sailor) star sailor
6. disaster- (dis- separation or parting from) separation from the good influence of friendly stars
7. astral- pertaining to the stars
8. astrodome- covered sports stadium where sports stars perform

petros = rock, stone

1. petrified- (facio, factum- make, do) made into stone
2. petrifaction- process of making into stone
3. Peter- name which means "reliable like a rock"
4. petroleum- (oleum- olive, olive oil) oil from rocks
5. petroglyph- ( glyphein- carve) rock carving
6. petrography- (graph- write, draw) writing about rocks
7. petrous- hard, stone-like, rocky
lithos = stone

1. lithograph- (graph - write, draw) picture drawn on stone 
2. monolith- (monos- one, alone) lone stone
3. megalith- (megas- large) large stone
4. lithology- (logos- word, study) study of rocks or stone
5. lithosphere- (sphaira- ball, globe) the rocky crust of the earth
6. lithic- made of or pertaining to stone
7. eolithic- (eo- dawn) earliest stone age
8. paleolithic- (paleo- old, ancient) ancient stone age after the eolithic period
9. neolithic- (neo- new) new or late stone age
annus = year
1. annual- yearly
2. anniversary- (verto, versum- turn) celebration marking the turning of a year
3. biannual- (bi- two) occurring twice a year
4. biennial- every two years
5. triannual- (tri- three) three times a year
6. triennial- every three years
7. centennial- (centum- hundred) every hundred years
8. millennial- (mille- thousand) every thousand years
9. perennial- (per- through) through the years
10. annuity- amount of money paid yearly
11. annals- historical events recorded year by year
hypnos = sleep
1. hypnosis- sleep-like state controlled by a hypnotizer
2. hypnotize- put into a sleep or trance
3. hypnology- (logos- word, study) study of sleep
4. hypnotic- rending to induce sleep
5. hypnotherapy- (therapeia-treatment) treatment of disease by hypnosis
6. hypnophobia- (phobos- sleep) fear of sleep
7. Hypnos- god of sleep in Greek mythology; Somnus is the Roman god of sleep
dormio, dormitum = sleep
1. dormant- sleeping
2. dormitory- place for sleeping
3. dormer window- bedroom window set into a roof
4. dormouse- sleeping (hibernating) mouse
5. dormeuse- railway sleeping car
6. dormitive- something that causes sleep
7. dormition- act of sleeping
terra = land
1. territory- land under control of a government or owner
2. terrace- raised platform of earth
3. terra cotta- (coquo, coctum- cook) "cooked earth" fired clay or pottery, tiles, etc.
4. terrarium- garden in a small glass container
5. terrestrial- pertaining to the earth
6. extraterrestrial- (extra- outside) outside the earth's atmosphere
7. terrier- small dog which hunts for burrowing game
8. Mediterranean Sea- (medius- middle) the sea in the middle of the land
geo = earth
1. geography- (graph- write, draw) draw the earth (make maps) and write about it
2. geographer- one who makes maps and writes about the earth
3. geology- (logos- word, study) study of the earth and its formations
4. geologist- one who studies the formations of the earth's crust; rocks, minerals, oils, etc. 
5. geometry- (metron- measure) branch of study on ways to measure the earth
6. George- (ergon- work) one who works the earth; a farmer

trans = across, over, beyond, through
1. transport- (porto, portatum- carry) carry across
2. transaction- (ago, actum- do, drive) trade, exchange
3. transcript- ( scribo, scriptum- write) speech put into writing
4. transfer- (fero, latum- carry) carry across
5. transform- (formo, formatum- form, shape) change over to a different form
6. transplant- (planta- sprout, plant) move a plant
7. transparent- (pareo- appear) appear or be seen through

dia = through, between, across, apart

1. diabolical- (bole- shot, blow) shot through, possessed (by  a devil)
2. diadem- (desmos- bond) bound across the forehead, a wreath or crown
3. diagnosis- (gnosis- knowledge) thorough knowledge
4. diagonal- (gony- knee) line between two non-adjacent corners in a figure of four or more sides
5. diagram- (graph- draw or write) a cross-section drawing
6. diameter- (metron- measure) measure across
7. diamond- (a- not + damas- tame) hardest substance

luna = moon

1. lunar- of or pertaining to the moon
2. lunatic- mad; affecred by the moon
3. lunacy- madness caised by the moon; "moonstruck"
4. clair de lune- (French) moonlight
5. lunambulist- (ambulo, ambulatum- walk) one whose sleep walking is supposedly caused by the moon
6. lunarium- instrument showing the phases and motions of the moon
7. interlunar- (inter- between) time between old and new moon when the moon is invisible
8. lunation- 29 1/2 days- a lunar month or the time from one new moon to the next

sol = sun

1. solar- pertaining to the sun
2. solar system- the sun with the objects which revolve around it
3. solarium- a sun dial; a glass enclosed sun room
4. solaster- (astron- star) a star fish with more than 5 rays; a sun-star fish
5. parasol- (Italian- parare- to ward off) a light portable sun shade
6. solstice- (sisto, statum- set, cause to stand) stopping or standing still of the sun
7. "Old Sol"- folk name for the sun
helios = sun

1.Helios- sun god; also called Apollo or Phaethon
2. heliotrope- (tropos- turning) plant which turns toward the sun
3. helium- light gas used in balloons
4. perihelion-n(peri- around, near) closest point to the sun in earth's orbit
5. aphelion- (apo- away from) furthest point from the sun in earth's orbit
6. helioscope- (skopeo- look) telescope for looking at the sun
7. heliometer- (metron- measure) instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun 
bonus = good
1.bonus- something extra good

2. bon bon- (French) beautifully decorated candy; a "goody"
3. bonny- (Scottish) good looking
4. boon- a good deed; a favor
5. bounteous- (-ous- full of) plentiful good
6. bounty- plenty or reward
7. bonanza- (Spanish- fair weather, prosperity) rich find in a gold mine

aqua = water
1. aquarium- a pond or tank of water where fish or water plants can live

2. aqueduct- (duct, ductum- lead) a structure for bringing water to where it is needed
3. aquaculture- (cultura- till, cultivate) growing food in water (fish, oysters, seaweed)
4. aquamarine- blue-green color of water
5. aquaplane- (planus- flat surface) surf board
6. Aquarius- a constellation called "Water Carrier"
7. aquifer- )fero, latum- carry) a layer under the earth where water flows
hydros = water

1.hydroplane- (L. planus- flat surface) boat that glides on the surface of the water
2. hydrophobia- (phobos- fear) fear of water
3. dehydrate- (de- down, away from) take water away
4. hydrogen- (genos, origin) a gas which, when burned, produces water
5. hydrophone- (phone- sound) instrument to "hear" underwater
6. hydrology- (logos- word, study) study of water
7. hydroelectric- (electron - amber) electricity produced by moving water
Vulcanus- Roman god of fire
1.volcano- a crack in the earth pouring out hot magma (molten rock) and hot gases
2. volcanic- like or pertaining to volcanoes
3. vulcanize- to treat raw rubber with heat and sulphur to make it harder and more durable
4. vulcanite- hard rubber, treated with heat and sulphur
5. vulcanology- (logos- word, study) the study of volcanoes

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