
Monday, December 19, 2016

Mismatch Day Friday

Friday, December 23 is our last day of school before vacation. The entire fifth grade is celebrating with a theme: MISMATCH DAY!
On Friday your child may dress in the most mismatched clothes possible! (Please do not buy anything- have your child create their outfit from what you already have)
At the end of the day, outfits will be judged and prizes awarded for the most colorful, creative and of course, mismatched.
Just a note for room 13 students- we have PE in the morning, so you may bring your outfit and change after PE class. Don't forget sneakers!!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Thank You!

Our food drive was a great success! Thank you to all who contributed and a special thank you to our parent volunteers for delivering the food!  
Volunteers  helping to deliver food to Burlington Food Pantry

Friday, December 2, 2016

Animal Enclosures

Room 13 Science students worked hard on their animal enclosures!  Ask your child about this great engineering and animal science experience!