
Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's New This Week?

We now have a new visitor (we have passed Seymour to Miss Conceison's class) a guniea pig named Typhoon.   We would appreciate some newspaper, cardboard and maybe some snacks for Typhoon.  He needs fruits and veggies every day, just like us.  Speaking of fruits and veggies- ask your fifth grader what some of the early explorer-sailors had to eat on their expeditions, and why fruit and vegetables are so important!
As we say goodbye to Seymour we would like to dedicate some of the poems we wrote to him.  Here's one by Josh. Happy Birthday Josh!

Carry house on your back, snap!
Never run, snap!
No teeth but a beak, snap!
Stay away from the tooth fairy, snap!
Be the meanest turtle around, snap!
Shred things to tiny peaces, snap!
Tell your great grand kids stories